952580578 - FUENGIROLA - (Málaga)
Complete Management - Preventive-corrective maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Such inspections will be personally performed by the responsible architect,
engineer or technician, who will perform studies, implement projects, and
direct works, when required.
Qualified Asemar, Administraciones y Servicios, S.L. employees will observe the existing anomalies in installations; periodically
inspect the building, control services and review the condition and upkeep of
decorative items as well as elements provided for use by owners.
model of the review report form is attached) - 250 Kb.
Asemar, Administraciones y Servicios, S.L. verifies and checks that the terms agreed
upon with the different maintenance companies hired are complied
with on site:
Corrective Maintenance
All problems disclosed in the periodic checks, or of which we were informed
by a unit owner, are processed by Asemar, Administraciones y Servicios, S.L. using a
modern software application which creates an incident report and assigns
a reference number to the incident for follow-up purposes.
- Registration of the incident.
- Creation and follow-up of claims if appropriate.
- Appointment of a maintenance employee or company.
- Control of work performed.
- Degree of customer satisfaction.
- Closing and filing of incident.
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